Sunday 1 March 2009

Israel bashing: Ben Heine cartoons in Danish newspaper

European cartooning without borders ...

"Ben Heine, he of the Iranian Holocaust cartoon competition fame" boasts in his blog: "Recent publication in "The Copenhagen Post" (Denmark) to illustrate an opinion article by Mohammed Husary on the Israeli attacks in Gaza last January. Many thanks to the editors."

A sampling of Heine's wonderful talent. Ben, aka Hubert Lebizay, calls himself a "Belgian political artist", but is painfully silent on the Belgian political scene, whilst devoting all his talent and energy to denouncing the evil Zionists.

Holocaust cartoon exhibition - Teheran Aug. 14-Sept. 13, 2006 : "Welcome home", by Ben Heine (Luckily, only a handful of European cartoonists took part in the contest.)
Iran's `Holocaust' cartoonists whine, wheedle and above all, L I E .
Headless Naked Jewish Woman and Headless Muslim?/Christian? Palestinian Man Wearing a Palestinian Flag
Another typically tasteful and tactful cartoon


Anonymous said...

These cartoons aren't merely "anti-Zionist," they're horrendous! Especially the concentration camp one. This stuff is really jaw-dropping. I find it hard to believe that cartoons like these are considered acceptable! Europeans have returned to the days of Der Sturmer.

Anonymous said...

its freedom of speach dick head

Unknown said...

To Comment #2: It's not free speech: it's free speech ABUSE.

Anonymous said...

so its OK to post shitty pictures about prohibit Mohammad but no one can post pics about Jews what a hypocrite