Monday 2 March 2009

Brussels: Launching of the "Russell Tribunal" on Palestine

Behind this mock "Russell Tribunal" is Pierre Galand (NGO Monitor Special Report: "Pierre Galand (Belgium) Using Political NGOs to Promote Demonization & Anti-Semitism in the UN & EU")

"Press conference organised for the Launching of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine

Wednesday 4 March 2009 at 10.30 am
Brussels – Residence Palace – International Press Centre – Polak Room

The recent war waged by the Israeli government and the Israeli army on Gaza, already under a blockade, underlines the particular responsibility of the United States and of the European Union in the perpetuation of the injustice done to the Palestinian people, deprived of its fundamental rights.

It is important to mobilize the international public opinion so that the United Nations and Member States adopt the necessary measures to end the impunity of the Israeli State, and to reach a just and durable solution to this conflict.

Following an appeal from Ken Coates, Nurit Peled, and Leila Shahid, and with the support of over a hundred well-known international personalities, it has been decided to organise a Russell Tribunal on Palestine.

Chairman of the Conference:
Stéphane Hessel – Ambassador of France
Ken Coates – Chairman of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
Nurit Peled – Sakharov prize for the freedom of thought
Leila Shahid – General Delegate of Palestine to the European Union, Belgium and Luxembourg
Pierre Galand – President of the European Co-ordinating Committee of NGOs on the Question of Palestine (ECCP)

With Ken Loach and Paul Laverty

The conference will be held in English and French
Venue Residence Palace – International Press Centre
rue de la Loi 155 - Bloc C – Polak Room
1040 Brussels - Metro Schuman
Press contact Tel / fax: 00 32 (0)2 231 01 74
Mobile: 00 32 (0) 479 12 95 32"

Source: here

A year ago in Brussels another tribunal/another condemnation :
- Israel on trial in Brussels: Iranian and Syrian Ambassadors give standing ovation to judges
- Israel bashing: International citizens' tribunal to try Israel in Brussels

The real thing: the Russell-Sartre Tribunal

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