The dominant thesis of the 88-page Durban II draft declaration ("Draft Outcome Document") is that the U.S., Western Europe, Israel, and other liberal democracies — their principles, institutions, policies, respective histories and national identities — are singularly racist, and, in addition, discriminatory against Islam. Free speech, wealth, globalization, security measures to combat anti-Western terrorism — all of these are attacked as causes of racism, discrimination, and the "defamation of Islam." Indeed, the new language seeking to distort human rights law for the purposes of Islamic censorship makes the Durban II draft even worse than the 2001 text. [more]
- Girding Up for Durban II, by Leslie Susser
- UN Durban II Regional Meeting Confirms Worst Fears of Anti-Semitic and Anti-Democratic Agenda, Stand With Us
- Boycott Durban II, by Pascal Bruckner
- Durban II: The Red Lines Have Been Crossed, by Anne Bayefsky
Good purpose to this blog, thank you. This Durban business is a sick joke. Where is a John Bolton when we need him?
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
blame your failings on the Jews
for a few more thousand years
they are Earth's scapegoats
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
it's all the Jews' fault
fifteen million Earthly Jews
control all the planets
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
be a primitive fool
continue to blame the Jews
through ancient insanity
All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. If there is no freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
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When does legitimate criticism become defamatory or is all criticism defamatory? and is defamation merely criticism when applied to Jews? The double standard seems always to be applied.
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