Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Norway: Anti-Semite son of a preacher man

"Regular visitors to this site will remember how Muhammed Ali Chisti was one of the speakers at the House of Litterature on March 22nd, and that his topic of choice was "Why I hate Jews" (Rabid anti-semite fights uphill battle?).

On April 4th Abid Q. Raja from Venstre (Left, a liberal conservative party) and event manager at the debate on March 22nd, elaborated upon his controversial decision of letting Ali Chisti speak in an op-ed to Aftenposten.

"Yes, it was right to let Mohammed Ali Chishti speak at the dialogue meeting on March 22nd, and to let him shout out his anti-Semitic rhetoric. Not only had I read the speach beforehand, I had also prepared the Jewish congregation about its contents. And it was I who asked Chisti to speak of how he and the others shouted "death to the Jews" in the demonstrations. In this I see nothing worthy of criticism, to the contrary, I took the bull by the horns. Not to discuss this is to turn ones back upon a dawning problem."

Read the whole piece here

Source: Norway, Israel and the Jews blog

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