French Jews are particularly docile. The French media are the most hostile to Israel in Europe. There isn't a single French newspaper which is not heavily slanted against Israel. Remember France 2, Charles Enderlin and the al-Durah affair (In France, screwing Israel makes you a hero). Ilan Halimi and Sebastian Sellam, two young French Jewish men were murdered because they were Jews. Dieudonné has many followers and is a regular guest on French TV. Another 'iconic figure' is Pascal Boniface, a French academic and an advisor to the Socialist Party made the Socialist leaders aware of Arithmetics 101: political decisions should be made according to simple accountancy rules, Arab votes outnumber Jewish votes by ten to one in France, explained Boniface. All the main contestants at the 2011 French Socialist Party presidential primary are anti-Israel, with the notable exception of Manuel Valls. The amount of anti-Israel (and even anti-semitic) books published every year in France is simply amazing. In a recent 'incident' Jews were beaten up. And the list could go on and on. At the U.N. France will never side with the United States to defend Israel!
It seems that things are changing and that French Jews are no longer prepared to stand still when French television broadcast by France 2 - yet again - another amazingly anti-Israel programme.
PARIS (EJP)---A French public tv documentary on the future of the Palestinian territories was denounced by the French Jewish community as "violently anti-Israeli."
"To my knowledge, never a public TV show had attracted such a reaction," said Richard Prasquier, president of CRIF, the umbrella group of French Jewish organizations.
"Those who love Israel, whether Jewish or not, felt insulted and humiliated", he wrote in a letter to the president of France televisions, Remy Pflimlin.
The documentary, "Is a Palestinian state still possible?", was aired on France 2 television on October 3 in the magazine "An eye on the planet”.
"The program has strongly shocked the Jewish community and provoked a disgusted amazement", Prasquier said. The journalist, he added, acted more like an "activist."
"Especially in a public tv channel, the search for objectivity must be an absolute requirement."
As a result of this protest, France Televisions has announced that its president will meet Israel’s ambassador to France, Yossi Gal, and with CRIF.
On Facebook, a group calling to "Boycott France Televisions" was created. It urged the channel to issue an apology.