Monday, 21 March 2011

Free Dershowitz lectures rejected by Norwegian PM, FM and elite Universities

Idag brings us a fascinating story on The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and their unique offer to bring international Law expert and top Harvard Law School lecturer Alan Dershowitz to give free lectures, breakfast conferences to Norwegian leading politicians and elite institutions.
The generous offer was directed to our Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, as well as the Universities of Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim.
To their great dismay (and let me just add that to my great dismay too) the offer was turned down.
According to Dag Øyvind Juliussen at the ICEJ, this is astonishing and can only be logically explained with an anti-Israel policy.  He also says:

"We are saddened that our top politicians who have engaged so strongly with the ME conflict have turned down this offer. We think that they would have benefitted from a meeting with Prof. Dershowitz.
We thought that a professor from Harvard Law School would be of interest for the universities in Oslo, Trondheim and Bergen and offered them a lecture with Dershowitz on Israel and International Law. None of them wanted the guest lecture by Alan Dershowitz. The Dean of the University of Bergen did welcome Dershowitz on condition that he did not talk about the ME conflict."
So, we have NTNU turning down a lecture by one the worlds greatest law specialist on the heels of their infamous and intellectually insulting ME lectures series which consisted mainly of academic insignificants, while the University of Oslo cannot defend the basic human rights of a Jewish student but still wants to portray itself as an institution with the highest aspirations in the area of international Law (apparently the academic aspirations stop at Masters level...), whereas Bergen only welcomes him if he stays off the specific topic offered: Israel and International Law. But apparently they are happy to be lauded by the Boycott Israel movement who has thanked the institution for its willingness to discuss an academic boycott.
Read the full story on the Norway, Israel and the Jews blog

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