Friday, 10 July 2009

Belgian NGO urges Muslims to boycott Israeli "bleeding" dates during Ramadan

"Europeans were urged by the Nazis and their Belgian Rexist allies to boycott Jewish businesses. What started as economic discrimination ultimately led to racial laws and Genocide in the 40s. Never again should any European, especially those who proclaim their leadership in the field of human rights, aid and abet another effort to harm the rights of the Jewish people to a secure life and future." (Simon Wiesenthal Center, 2003)

Muslims in Brussels are being urged by a Belgian NGO, INTAL, to boycott Israel and Israeli dates during Ramadan. It seems that it is the first time ever that in Belgium - a country of Christian culture - (and in Europe) Muslims are being specifically targeted by non-Muslims with a view to boycotting the Jewish State. Muslims account for 30% of the population in Brussels, which is also the "capital of Europe". Israeli dates are very popular in Europe.

Boycott Israel: don't buy large dates !

Boycottons les dattes israéliennes - Action de sensibilisation à l'occasion du Ramadan (Let's boycott Israeli dates - an awareness campaign during Ramadan)
Already in 2003, Oxfam Belgium, a highly politicised European NGO, was responsible for the infamous poster calling for the boycott of Israel by showing a bleeding orange, with the caption "Israeli fruit tastes bitter". INTAL's campaign goes one step further : it draws from the Oxfam Belgium poster, but is firmly set on political-religious ground : referring to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and even giving the start date. INTAL also proposes to go on July 16 at 5 a.m. to the fruit market to try to dissuade grocery shops from stocking "large" Israeli dates (supposedly non-Israeli dates are smaller).

Both campaigns are reminiscent of the 1370 Catholic legend that "holy communion wafers began to bleed after being stabbed with daggers by the Jews of Brabant at the synagogue in Brussels".

This image featured until recently on the website of the influencial Belgian-Palestinian Association (Brussels-Wallonia). Poster created by Oxfam Belgium and withdrawn by Oxfam International following a worldwide campaign led by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Campaigners were asked to express their dismay and outrage by sending the following letter sent to Oxfam International :
"Mr. Ian Anderson
Chairman, Oxfam International Secretariat
Dear Mr. Chairman:
As an international NGO, the Simon Wiesenthal Center is well aware of the important humanitarian work that Oxfam performs on behalf of the needy of the world. However, the boycott effort against Israeli agricultural products, which we reached through the main Oxfam website, violates your provisions against ethnic and racial discrimination. Further, this political campaign violates Oxfam's mission statement.
Mr. Chairman, in the 1930s, Europeans were urged by the Nazis and their Belgian Rexist allies to boycott Jewish businesses. What started as economic discrimination ultimately led to racial laws and Genocide in the 40s. Never again should any European, especially those who proclaim their leadership in the field of human rights, aid and abet another effort to harm the rights of the Jewish people to a secure life and future.
We urgently request your direct intervention to expunge any link of this campaign to Oxfam International and that Oxfam International instruct its Belgium operation that this boycott of Israeli farmers violates Oxfam's mission statement and should therefore be terminated immediately.

More on INTAL:
and on the Oxfam Belgium poster:

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