Thursday, 21 May 2009

Israel boycott calls: one Norwegian gets it right

"The difference between Burma and Israel is that in Burma the opposition sits in jail, in Israel it sits in parliament."

Israel, Burma and the boycott campaign

Even as the anti-Israel lobby is mustering for boycott, the average Norwegian is increasingly questioning the wisdom of singeling Israel out for critizism. One enlightened reader of Dabladet, a Norwegian daily, writes in a letter which is as short as it is eloquent:

"Imports of processed wood from Burma has increased by 67 percent in one year. This does not bother the Boycott-Israel-party SV (The Socialist Left). The difference between Burma and Israel is that in Burma the opposition sits in jail, in Israel it sits in parliament."

Source: Norway, Israel and the Jews

- Union leader mentions ONE SPECIFIC country in speech
- Trade union confederation opens for boycott of Israel

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