Monday, 17 December 2007

Palestine: over 100 human rights NGOs, less than 10 in the agricultural sector

Georges Malbrunot, the French journalist who was kidnapped in Irak, writing today in Le Figaro on the subject of aid given to the Palestinians quotes an expert: "Over one hundred Human Rights and Environmental Protection NGOs have been created, whereas there are less than 10 NGOs working in the key agricultural sector".

The figures are amazing: over 100 dealing with rights - human and environmental rights - and less than 10% with agriculture - add the billions poured in in aid, and one gets the picture: Palestinians are being encouraged to be dependent and irresponsible. For Malbrunot, the usual culprits are Israel and the US (Europe is powerless). Maen Eraka, a Palestian, explained that, although international aid has increased by 300%, Palestinians' net income went down by 10% - this sorry state of affairs is due to Israeli occupation! Israeli occupation in Gaza?

Malbrunot concludes that Israel is only too happy for Europe to pay, but does not want Europeans at the negotiating table...

1 comment:

  1. Well, it is much easier to produce lots of hot air about human rights than to deal with growing vegs and taking care of goats...
