Wednesday 24 September 2008

46 per cent of Spanish have a negative/very negative view of Jews

A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center found that anti-Jewish feelings are high in several major European Union countries: 46 per cent of Spanish, 36 percent of Poles, 34 percent of Russians, 25 percent of Germans, and 20 percent of French view Jews unfavourably.

Percentage of respondents expressing an unfavourable view of Jews :

British :...................9% (incl. 3% of very unfavourable)
French :.................20% (incl. 6% of very unfavourable)
Germans :..............25% (incl. 4% of very unfavourable)
Polish :.................36% (incl. 11% of very unfavourable)
Russians :.............34% (incl. 12% of very unfavourable)
Spanish :..............46% (incl. 18% of very unfavourable)

Spain – an enduring dislike
The most striking feature of the survey is the high percentage of the Spanish who have an unfavourable view of Jews - including 18 per cent who have a "very unfavourable" view. Survey after survey confirm that Spain remains the country in the European Union where citizens consistently express the most hostile opinion of Jews. See ADL survey undertaken in May 2007 here.

A positive exception in this alarming landscape is Britain with just 9 percent of respondents rating Jews unfavourably. The reason could be that British media coverage of the Middle East conflict is fairer than in other European countries. When it is not, a number of blogs (see blog roll and many others not listed) are quick to criticize and to offer a different perspective. And it works.
The United States remains the friendliest country to Jews and Israel, with only 7 percent admitting to an unfavourable view.

The survey findings as far as Muslims are concerned also make depressing reading : 52 percent in Spain, 50 percent in Germany, 46 percent in Poland and 38 percent in France have negative attitudes towards them.
Full report:

1 comment:

  1. WOW...!!!
    I'm glad they don't have Isabela y Ferdinando anymore!!!
