Wednesday 20 August 2008

Swedish teachers fail Holocaust test

"Swedish school teachers display glaring inadequacies in their knowledge of Holocaust history, according to a study carried out by the country's Living History Forum.
Seven out of ten teachers failed a Holocaust history test set by the agency.
The Living History Forum is a Swedish government agency which has been commissioned with the task of promoting issues relating to tolerance, democracy and human rights – with the Holocaust as its point of reference.
5,081 teachers took part in the Living History Forum's Holocaust questionnaire, but only two teachers answered all the questions correctly.
Only every 20th teacher was aware, for example, that between 81 and 100 percent of all European Jewish children alive during the Nazi regime were killed in the Holocaust."
Continue reading here (Source: The Local)
Photo: Hungarian Jews being led to gas chambers (Auschwitz extermination camp, Poland, May 1944)

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