Saturday 30 August 2008

France: complaint lodged against Euro-Palestine for defending killing of French soldiers in Afghanistan

A French army defense association has lodged a complaint with the Doyen des juges d’instruction of Paris against EuroPalestine for issuing a statement on their website, on August 20, making an apology for the killing of ten French soldiers by Afghan insurgents, and for defamation of the French army.

EuroPalestine indicated that the soldiers' killing was part of "the risk involved in the dirty job" they were doing in Afghanistan, and jeered at the "whining" that followed their death.

EuroPalestine also stated that only the multiplication of well-planned ambushes against French troops engaged in the fight against the Taleban would force the Government to reconsider its position and bring them back home.

EuroPalestine is one of the countless anti-Western/anti-Israeli/anti-Jewish propaganda organizations in Europe posing as defenders of the Palestinian people.

With their hateful words about the death of ten valorous French soldiers, EuroPalestine have once again shown their true colours.

Background on EuroPalestine here

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