Tuesday 18 March 2008

Paris Mayor hails "miracle" of the creation of Israel

The Socialist Mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoë, to visiting Israeli President Shimon Peres (from EJP):

""The creation of your state certifies that in spite of everything, right and freedom remain accessible to will. It is in order to pay tribute to this accomplished miracle that we gave the name of Theodor Herzl, who inspired the state of Israel, to a square in Paris,” he added.

The mayor of Paris declared that Israel, which celebrates this year the 60th anniversary of its creation, had written "a new page of the right of the people to self-determination."

He said that in the name of this right to self-determination, the Palestinian people "must be able to live in freedom and dignity, which supposes the quick creation of a sovereign and viable state."

Five days ahead of the second round of municipal elections in France, which should see his reelection, Delanoë celebrated "the distinguished role of the Jews of Paris." He greeted their "contribution to the intellectual and spiritual identity" of the French capital.""

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